Dr Pacheo, “Balanced Gut Helps You Thrive, Be Happy and Healthy”

Check video from Dr Pacheo: http://plexus.membertek.com/PFlQIlY0tS

Weed, Seed, Feed Your Gut

Beyond aiding your body’s digestive system, certain microbial strains have been linked to an improved mood, reduced feelings of stress, a healthier immune system, and even weight loss.

Your Gut and Digestion:

Digestion is one of the primary ways your gut contributes to weight management. Your “gut” is what’s also known as your “gastrointestinal (GI) tract.” It encompasses everything to do with eating and digestion, from the swallowing mechanism in the esophagus to the digestive power of stomach acids to breaking down and absorbing nutrients.

Inside your GI tract, your gut microbiome helps to break down food and determine what is useful and what is eliminated as waste. Certain types of bacteria can break down certain foods better than other types, so having the right balance of bacteria in your gut microbiome is vital for effective digestion.

Your Gut and Hunger:

Some of the bacteria in your gut may also affect how full or how hungry you feel, or which foods you tend to crave.

Studies suggest that gut microbes may even “manipulate” us into eating the foods that will help them thrive, which can be good or bad news for your diet. Beneficial microbes love healthy fiber-rich foods, for example, while unwanted microbes love sugar.

Gut bacteria can also produce certain chemicals that create feelings of hunger or fullness. Feeling more full leads to eating less, which leads to losing weight.

Your Gut and Overall Health:
Now you know how gut health can help you stay on track with your diet. But what about your active lifestyle? It’s hard to burn calories when you’re slowed down by dehydration, bloating, GI discomfort, stress, and unpleasant mood swings.

A positively balanced gut can help you in many ways beyond digestion. As we mentioned before, science is now helping us understand the role your gut plays when it comes to increased health and wellness.

To Your Health and Well Being
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